Web Keywords
5.1.1. Open Browser
Open a browser and navigate to the specified URL. If the URL is left empty then just open a browser.
- Target: Target is not required for this keyword.
- Data Input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | URL of the web page to be opened. For example: https://www.google.com |
Parameter type | Default is “String”, you cannot edit |
Value | - You can input fix data you want to use here, this cannot be reused anywhere, only valuable at this step - You can use value from variable you defined in tab Variable of testcase or Global variables, you can change value of Variable and reuse for many steps of this testcase |
5.1.2. Accept Alert
Simulate users clicking on "OK" button of an alert popup (alert, confirmation popup, prompt popup).
- Target: No Target is required
- Data input: No Data Input is required
5.1.3. Back
Simulate users clicking "back" button on their browser.
- Target: No Target is required
- Data input: No Data Input is required
5.1.4. Clear Text
Clear text (Text box, Text area)
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data input: No Data Input is required
5.1.5. Click
Click on the given element.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
This represents for element that you want to click to.
For example: createLink
- Data Input: No Data Input is required
5.1.6. Click With Javascript
Click on the given element using Javascript.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories. This represents for element that you want to click to.
- Data Input: No Data Input is required
5.1.7. Close By Window ID
Close window with the given ID.
Target: No Target is required
Data input
Input the Id of window into this cell: windowId-
The window Id of a widow , you can use the “Get Current Window ID” to find the Id of windows
5.1.8. Close Current Window
Close the current window.
Target: No Target is required
Data input: No Data Input is required
5.1.9. Close Window By Title
Close window with the given title.
- Target: No Target is required
- Data input
The window title for a page (often called the "title tag") is, most simply, the text that appears at the top of a visitor's web browser when viewing that page.
5.1.10. Close Window By URL
Close window with the given URL.
- Target: No Target is required.
- Data input
5.1.11. Deselect All Options
If some or all of your Options are selecting, use this keyword to deselect all of them.
This is only applied for multiple select option as below:
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories (which is "Select" tag in image above)
- Data input: No Data Input is required
5.1.12. Deselect Option By Index
Deselect the option at the given index. Index starts from 0.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data input: Input Index of your Option into “Input” column
5.1.13. Deselect Option By Label
Deselect the options with the given label (displayed text).
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data input: Input text in “Input” column -> label: label of element that you want to deselect
5.1.14. Deselect Option By Value
Deselect the options with the given value.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data input: Input text in “Input” column -> value: value of element that you want to deselect
5.1.15. Dismiss Alert
Simulate users clicking on "Cancel" button of an alert popup (alert, confirmation popup, prompt popup).
- Target: No Target is required
- Data input: No Data Input is required
5.1.16. Double Click
Double click on the given element.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data input: Data Input is not required for this step
5.1.17. Drag And Drop By Offset
Drag an object and drop it to an offset location.
- Target: UIobject of start Point
- Data input
- xOffset: Pixel number of moving by horizontal axis to of desired destination
- yOffset: Pixel number of moving by vertical axis to of desired destination
- Define that you are only allowed to input integer into Value
- Value: Input the destination count from the center of moved element.
5.1.18. Drag And Drop To Element
Drag an object and drop an object onto the Location of another object.
- Data input: Select UIObject of starting Object and destinationObject
In this Data Input, you will input data of starting Object and destinationObject
Field | Description |
Type | You have to select an UIObject from Object Repository . |
Value | Double-click here, system will prompt an UIObject screen for you to choose UIobject for destination Object. |
5.1.19. Execute Javascript
Execute JavaScript on the currently selected frame or window. The provided script fragment will be executed as the body of an anonymous function.
- Target: Target is not required for this keyword
- Data input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | Differ from other keywords, you have to create own script by Javascript which not supported by akaAT Studio |
Value | Input your JavaScript code here |
5.1.20. Forward
Simulate users clicking "forward" button on their browser.
- Target:No Target is required
- Data input: No Data input is required
5.1.21. Get Alert Text
Get displayed text of an alert popup (alert, confirmation popup, prompt popup)
Target: No Target is required
Data input: No Data Input is required
Data output: Create output for this step in Variable Tab of the test case
Then result will return as shown in report below
5.1.22. Get Attribute Value
Get the attribute of a web element.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data input
Field | Description |
Input | Input which attribute of the element that you want to get information from. |
Output | Create output for this step in Variable Tab of the test case. |
Then result will return as shown in report below
5.1.23. Get CSS Attribute Value
Get the CSS value of a web element.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input: CSS value definition syntax, a formal grammar, is used for defining the set of valid values for a CSS property or function.
Field | Description |
Input | Input which CSS value of the element that you want to get information from |
Output | Create output for this step in Variable Tab of the test case |
Then result will return as shown in report below
5.1.24. Get Current Window ID
Get ID the current Window
- Target: Not Target is required.
- Data input: No Data Input is required
- Data Output: Create output for this step in Variable Tab of the test case
Then result will return as shown in report below
5.1.25. Get Current Window Title
Get title the current web page
- Target: Not Target is required
- Data input: No Data Input is required
- Data Output: Create output for this step in Variable Tab of the test case
Then result will return as shown in report below
5.1.26. Get Current Window URL
Get URL of the current window.
- Target: Not Target is required
- Data Input: Not data input is required
- Data Output: Create output for this step in Variable Tab of the test case
Then result will return as shown in report below
5.1.27. Get Number Of Deselection Option
Count the number of options which are being deselected the given web element has.
Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Target
Data input: No Data input is required
- Output: Create output for this step in Variable Tab of the test case. Then result will return as shown in report below
5.1.28. Get Number Of Option
Count the total number of options the given web element has.
Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
Data Input: No data input is required
- Data Output: Create output for this step in Variable Tab of the test case. Then result will return as shown in report below
5.1.29. Get Number Of Selected Option
Count the number of options which are being selected the given web element has.
Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
Data input: No data input is required
- Output: Create output for this step in Variable Tab of the test case. Then result will return as shown in report below.
5.1.30. Get Text
Get the visible (i.e. not hidden by CSS) inner text of the web element, including sub-elements, without any leading or trailing whitespace.
Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
Data input
- Data Output: Create output for this step in Variable Tab of the test case. Then result will return as shown in report below
5.1.31. Get Text From Multiple Elements
Get text list from multiple Element
Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
Data input: No Data input is required
Data output: Create output for this step in Variable Tab of the test case
Then result will return as shown in report below
5.1.32. Get Window Count
Get Number Of Window opening in browser
Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
Data input: No Data input is required
- Data output: Create output for this step in Variable Tab of the test case. Then result will return as shown in report below.
5.1.33. Maximize Current Window
Maximize current window
- Target: No Target is required
- Data input: No Data input is required.
5.1.34. Minimize Current Window
Minimize current window
- Target: No Target is required
- Data input: No Data input is required.
5.1.35. Mouse Over
Simulate users hovering a mouse over the given element
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data input: No Data input is required.
5.1.36. Navigate to URL
Navigate user from current URL to specified URL
Target: No Target is required.
Data input
5.1.37. Open New Tab
Open a new tab with URL input
Target: No Target is required.
Data input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | URL of the web page to be opened. For example: https://vi.wikipedia.org |
Parameter type | Default is “String”, you cannot edit |
Value | - You can input fix data you want to use here, this cannot be reused anywhere, only valuable at this step - You can use value from variable you defined in tab Variable of testcase or Global variables, you can change value of Variable and reuse for many steps of this testcase |
5.1.38. Open New Window
Open a new window of the browser with URL input
Target: No Target is required.
Data input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | URL of the web page to be opened. For example: https://www.google.com |
Parameter type | Default is “String”, you cannot edit |
Value | - You can input fix data you want to use here, this cannot be reused anywhere, only valuable at this step - You can use value from variable you defined in tab Variable of testcase or Global variables, you can change value of Variable and reuse for many steps of this testcase |
5.1.39. Quit Browser
Quit all browser
- Target: No Target is required
- Data input: No Data input is required.
5.1.40. Refresh
Simulate users clicking "refresh" button on their browser. It’s the same with pressing F5 in your keyboard
- Target: No Target is required
- Data input: No Data input is required.
5.1.41. Right Click
Right click on the given element
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data input: No Data input is required.
5.1.42. Scroll To Element
Scroll an element into the visible area of the browser window
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data input: Waiting time for loading.
5.1.43. Select All Options
If some or all of your Options are unselected, use this keyword to select all of them.
This is only applied for multiple select
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data input: No Data Input is required.
5.1.44. Select Option By Index
Select the option at the given indexes. Index starts from 0.
Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
Data input: Input Index of your Option into “index” cell.
5.1.45. Select Option By Label
Select the options with the given labels (displayed text).
Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
Data input: Input label of your Option into “label” cell.
5.1.46. Select Option By Value
Select the options with the given values.
Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
Data input: Input label of your Option into “value” cell.
5.1.47. Send Keys
Simulate keystroke events on the specified element, as though you typed the value key-by-key.
Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
Data input: Input label of your Option into “keys” cell.
5.1.48. Send Special Keyboard Character
Simulate keystroke events for non-text keys. Which represents for action in your keyboards.
Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
Data input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | Key represents for keyboard actions |
Parameter type | Default is above image, you cannot edit |
Value | Select from dropdown list which keyboard actions you want to execute |
5.1.49. Set Attribute
Set a new attribute into the element.
Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
Data input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | - attributeName: name of attribute you want to add new - attributeValue: value of attribute you current add above |
Parameter type | Default is above image, you cannot edit |
Value | Input your text into value column. |
5.1.50. Set CSS Attribute
Set a new CSS attribute into the element.
Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
Data input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | - attributeName: name of attribute you want to add new - attributeValue: value of attribute you current add above |
Parameter type | Default is above image, you cannot edit |
Value | Input your text into value column. |
5.1.51. Set Text On Alert
Simulate users typing text into a prompt alert popup.
Target: No Target is required
Data input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | Param input for this keyword is in text type |
Parameter type | Default is above image, you cannot edit |
Value | input value for the text need inputting into Alert box |
5.1.52. Submit
If the current element is a form or an element within a form, then this will be submitted. If this causes the current page to change, then this method will block until the new page is loaded.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data input: No data input is required.
5.1.53. Switch By Window ID
Switch to window with Id input.
- Target: No Target is required
- Data input: Input the Id of window you want to switch in “windowId” cell.
5.1.54. Switch To Default Content
Switch back to default window, after dealing with some framed elements.
- Target: No Target is required
- Data input: No Data Input is required.
5.1.55. Switch To Frame
Switch the current context into an iframe.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input: No Data Input is required.
5.1.56. Switch To Frame By Name Or ID
Switch the current context into an iframe by name or Id of that iframe.
- Target: No UIObject is required
- Data Input: Input the name or Id of that iframe you want switch.
5.1.57. Switch To Window By Title
Switch to the window with a given title.
- Target: No UIObject is required
- Data Input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | Title- The window title for a page (often called the "title tag") is, most simply, the text that appears at the top of a visitor's web browser when viewing that page. |
Parameter type | Default is “String”, you cannot edit |
Value | Input Title of Window that you want to switch to. |
5.1.58. Switch To Window By URL
Switch to the window with a given URL.
- Target: No UIObject is required
- Data Input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | URL of the web page to be opened. For example: https://www.google.com |
Parameter type | Default is “String”, you cannot edit |
Value | Input destination URL that you want to switch to |
5.1.59. Verify Alert Not Present
Verify if alert does not present.
- Target: No UIObject is required
- Data Input: Input the name or Id of that iframe you want switch.
Field | Description |
Parameter name | timeout is waiting time for returning result(s) |
Parameter type | Default is "Integer" and you cannot edit |
Value | Input time need for waiting. |
5.1.60. Verify Alert Present
Verify if alert present.
- Target: No UIObject is required
- Data Input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | timeout is waiting time for returning result(s) |
Parameter type | Default is "Integer" and you cannot edit |
Value | Input time need for waiting. |
5.1.61. Verify Element Attribute Value
Verify if the web element has an attribute with the specified name and value.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | - attributeName: such as id, name, class…. - expectedValue: value of given attribute above. For example: class="btn btn-add-to-cart" |
Parameter type | Default is above image, you cannot edit |
Value | Input value for Parameter name explained above. |
5.1.62. Verify Element Attribute Value By Regex
Verify if the web element has an attribute with the name and suitable value by regex.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | - attributeName: such as id, name, class…. - regex: A regular expression (shortened as regex or regexp; sometimes referred to as rational expression) is a sequence of characters that specifies a search pattern in text |
Parameter type | Default is above image, you cannot edit |
Value | Input value for Parameter name explained above. |
5.1.63. Verify Element Attribute Value Different
Verify if the web element has an attribute different with the name and value.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | - attributeName: such as id, name, class…. - valueToAvoid: input the value you don’t want attribute name equal |
Parameter type | Default is above image, you cannot edit |
Value | Input value for Parameter name explained above. |
5.1.64. Verify Element Clickable
Verify if the given element is clickable.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
5.1.65. Verify Element Disable
Verify if the given element is disabled.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
5.1.66. Verify Element Enable
Verify if the given element is enabled.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
5.1.67. Verify Element Has Attribute
Verify if the web element has an attribute with the specified name.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
5.1.68. Verify Element Not Has Attribute
Verify if the web element doesn't have an attribute with the specified name.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | - attributeName: such as id, name, class….to verify whether the element has this attribute. - timeouts: waiting time for returning result(s). |
Parameter type | Default is above image, you cannot edit |
Value | Input value for Parameter name explained above. |
5.1.69. Verify Element Not Present
Verify if the given web element does NOT present on the DOM.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
5.1.70. Verify Element Not Visible
Verify if given web element is NOT visible even it presents on the DOM.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
5.1.71. Verify Element Present
Verify if the given web element does present on DOM.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
5.1.72. Verify Element Text
Verify text of an element equal with expected text input.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
- expectedText: In the this example, the title has text “Title” and we use Key word “Verify Element Text” to verify exactly the text must be “Title”.
- trimText: Boolean type: yes/no remove spaces before and after the string, leaving only spaces between words.
- ignoreCase: Boolean type: yes/no skip the uppercase, lowercase word case check.
5.1.73. Verify Element Text By Regex
Verify text contains of an element regex: A regular expression (shortened as regex or regexp; sometimes referred to as rational expression) is a sequence of characters that specifies a search pattern in text
Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
Data Input
Example: rege(x(es)?|xps?)
=> contains {regex, regexes, regexp, regexps}
5.1.74. Verify Element Text Different From
Verify text of an element different with text input.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | - textToAvoid: the text you want to avoid it - trimText: Boolean type: yes/no remove spaces before and after the string, leaving only spaces between words - ignoreCase: Boolean type: yes/no skip the uppercase, lowercase word case check |
Parameter type | Default is above image, you cannot edit |
Value | - textToAvoid: input the text you want to avoid it - trimText: Boolean type: true/false - ignoreCase: true/false. |
5.1.75. Verify Element Visible
Verify if the given web element is visible.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
Timeout: System will wait at most timeout (second) to return result.
5.1.76. Verify Option Deselected By Index
Verify if the options at the given indices are not selected by index.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | Index of element that you want to verity that is not selected |
Parameter type | Default is above image, you cannot edit |
Value | Input index of element that you want to verify. |
5.1.77. Verify Option Deselected By Value
Verify if the options with the given displayed texts are not selected by value.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | value: value of “value” attribute of element that you want to verify not selected |
Parameter type | Default is above image, you cannot edit |
Value | Input text of the option that you want to verify. |
5.1.78. Verify Option Deselected By Label
Verify if the options with the given displayed texts are not selected by label.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | label: label of element that you want to verify not selected |
Parameter type | Default is above image, you cannot edit |
Value | Input text of the option that you want to verify. |
5.1.79. Verify Option Present By Label
Verify if the option with the given displayed text.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | Label: label of element that you want to verify present |
Parameter type | Default is above image, you cannot edit |
Value | For “label”: Input text into textbox. |
5.1.80. Verify Option Present By Value
Verify if the options with the given value present.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | Value: value of option that you want to verify not present |
Parameter type | Default is above image, you cannot edit |
Value | For “value”: Input value attribute into textbox. |
5.1.81. Verify Option Selected By Index
Verify if the options at the given indices are selected by index.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | Index of element that you want to verify |
Parameter type | Default is above image, you cannot edit |
Value | Input text of the option that you want to verify. |
5.1.82. Verify Option Selected By Label
Verify if the options with the given displayed text are selected.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | Label of element that you want to verify |
Parameter type | Default is above image, you cannot edit |
Value | Input text of the option that you want to verify. |
5.1.83. Verify Option Selected By Value
Verify if the options with the given value are selected.
The difference between Select by Value and Select by Value Label: sometimes Value and Label of element will not be the same. In some case, Value of element will be set by ID to be saved into database. There for, depend on your demand to select suitable keyword.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input
Field | Description |
Parameter name | Label of element that you want to verify selected |
Parameter type | Default is above image, you cannot edit |
Value | Input value attribute of the option that you want to verify. |
5.1.84. Wait For Alert
Wait for an alert to present with timeOut(s).
- Target: No Target is required
- Data Input Timeout: System will wait at most timeout (second) to return result.
Field | Description |
Parameter name | timeout is waiting time for returning result(s) |
Parameter type | Default is integer and you cannot edit |
Value | Input time need for waiting. |
5.1.85. Wait For Element Clickable
Wait for the given element to be clickable within the given time (in seconds).
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input Timeout: System will wait at most timeout (second) to return result.
5.1.86. Wait For Element Disabled
Wait for element disabled within a time in second unit.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input Timeout: System will wait at most timeout (second) to return result.
5.1.87. Wait For Element Enabled
Wait for element enable within a time in second unit.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input Timeout: System will wait at most timeout (second) to return result.
5.1.88. Wait For Element Not Present
Wait for the given element to NOT present (appear) within the given time (in seconds).
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input Timeout: System will wait at most timeout (second) to return result.
5.1.89. Wait For Element Not Visible
Wait until the given web element is NOT visible within a timeout.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input Timeout: System will wait at most timeout (second) to return result.
5.1.90. Wait For Element Present
Wait for the given element to present within the given time (in second).
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input Timeout: System will wait at most timeout (second) to return result.
5.1.91. Wait For Element Visible
Wait until the given web element is visible within the timeout.
- Target: Select UIObject that you defined in Object Repositories.
- Data Input Timeout: System will wait at most timeout (second) to return result.