Agent pools - getting started with automated testing using akaAT Test Engine
What is a job?
In akaAT Test Engine, "job" refers to a test job, it can include automated test cases. akaAT Test Engine supports both CI/CD testing (CI/CD job) and scheduled testing (Schedule job).
What is an agent pools?
An agent pool is a collection of agents. Instead of managing each agent individually, you organize agents into agent pools. When you create a job, you specify the agent pool in which the job configurations. And then, when the job is run, it runs on an agent from that pool that meets what job is configured.
To start your akaAT Test Engine project, you need at least one agent and a agent pool containing many agents. As you add more jobs and want to executed them at the same time, you'll eventually need more.
What is an agent?
An agent that you set up and manage on your own to run jobs. When your job runs, an agent is computing infrastructure with installed agent that runs one job at a time.
We support to only install one agent per machine. You can install the agent on macOS, or Windows machines. For more information about installing a self-hosted agent, see:
- macOS agent
- Windows agent (x64)
After you've installed the agent on a machine, you can install any other software on that machine as required by your jobs.
1. Agent pool manage
No | Tab | Description |
1 | Agents | List of agents belonging to that agent pool. |
2 | Jobs | List of jobs which are run or being run on that agent pool. |
3 | Details | All details of that agent pool, including description, secret key and resource key. |
1.1. Add an agent pool
Click on Agent Pools from the left navigation area.
Click on Add new agent pool button.
- Enter the fields and click on Save button.
1.2. Delete an agent pool
Once deleted permanently, this agent cannot be recovered.
You cannot delete an Agent which is running a job. Please wait until the job is completed and then you can delete it.
- Click on Agent Pools from the left navigation area.
- Click on Delete icon button on the row of the Agent pool that you want to delete.
- Confirm by entering the text and click on Delete button.
1.3. Get Secret key and Resource key of Agent pool
- Click on Agent Pools from the left navigation area and select an Agent pool (by clicking on an Agent pool name).
- At the Details tab, you can get Secret key and Resource key of this Agent.
2. Agent manage
No | Tab | Description |
1 | Jobs | List of jobs which are run or being run on that agent. |
What are agent statuses?
There are 3 statuses of agent:
- - Offline: The agent is offline
- Busy: A job is being run on this agent
- Available: The agent ready to run a job (online and not running any job).
2.1. Register an agent
2.1.1 Register Agent on MacOcs
Click on Agent Pools from the left navigation area and select an Agent pool (by clicking on an Agent pool name).
At the Agents tab, click on Register new agent button.
Select macOS tab at the Register new agent pop-up. Click on download TestMan Agent.
After downloading TestMan Agent for macOS successfully, run the following command on the agent you downloaded:
sh -secret 9206b1b37ea699d69bb25654aa1838e4692e540f50b0fbe51f419f99385d9522 -key eyJ0ZW5hbnRLZXkiOiJ0ZW5hbnQ1IiwicHJvamVjdEtleSI6InByb2plY3QtdGVzdCIsInByb2plY3RJZCI6IjU4N2E4M2ExLTBiZmMtNDU4Yy1hZmJiLTM0ZWJkNjg0NjIzZiIsImFnZW50UG9vbElkIjoxfQ== -workspace .
Note: You can change workspace to any location in your computer
2.1.2 Register Agent on Window
Click on Agent Pools from the left navigation area and select an Agent pool (by clicking on an Agent pool name).
At the Agents tab, click on Register new agent button.
Select Windows tab at the Register new agent pop-up. Click on download TestMan Agent.
After downloading TestMan Agent for Windows successfully, run the following command on the agent you downloaded.
sh -secret ec91e301926579270d79cc1de7982040c1d79725a27b719589cc835db9ab41d1 -key eyJ0ZW5hbnRLZXkiOiJha2FhdGRuIiwicHJvamVjdEtleSI6ImFrYWF0ZG4iLCJwcm9qZWN0SWQiOiI4YWUwODkwYS05ZDBhLTQyZjMtODdiYy1lZmM0NTNjZWNlOTgiLCJhZ2VudFBvb2xJZCI6MTI3Nn0= -workspace . -cleanWs
Note: You can change workspace to any location in your computer
2.1.3 Register Agent on Linux
Click on Agent Pools from the left navigation area and select an Agent pool (by clicking on an Agent pool name).
At the Agents tab, click on Register new agent button.
Select Linux tab at the Register new agent pop-up. Click on download TestMan Agent.
4. After downloading TestMan Agent for Linux successfully, run the following command on the agent you downloaded.
./agent.exe -secret 9206b1b37ea699d69bb25654aa1838e4692e540f50b0fbe51f419f99385d9522 -key eyJ0ZW5hbnRLZXkiOiJ0ZW5hbnQ1IiwicHJvamVjdEtleSI6InByb2plY3QtdGVzdCIsInByb2plY3RJZCI6IjU4N2E4M2ExLTBiZmMtNDU4Yy1hZmJiLTM0ZWJkNjg0NjIzZiIsImFnZW50UG9vbElkIjoxfQ== -workspace C:/workspace
Note: You can change workspace to any location in your computer
2.1.4 Register Agent with proxy If your network is using proxy, folow this command to rigister agent with proxy:
.\agent.exe -secret 3d6efe7faced99653cfac5221fb504eb059057152b512e4a391139e97ec3f7b1 -key eyJ0ZW5hbnRLZXkiOiJ0cmlhbCIsInByb2plY3RLZXkiOiJ0dXllbnRlc3QiLCJwcm9qZWN0SWQiOiJhNDVkNTc0Yi0wNWEzLTQ5MDAtOTUxZC0wZWVlYjRiMGMzZjEiLCJhZ2VudFBvb2xJZCI6MjZ9 -workspace D:\Workspace -proxyHost fsoft-proxy -proxyPort 8080 -proxyUser username -proxyPass Password -httpVersion 0
Refer guideline Agent for more details or run agent -help If you are using project akaStudio with Maven setting, do some other steps:
- Open akastudio => Go to Maven Setting
- Click tab Proxies and create new Proxies
- Click tab Mirror and create new Mirror
If you are in Fsoft, please find Maven Configuration on Fsoft Confluence