Import & Export template
Import & Export Template are features that support users importing testcases, test results from Excel/CSV file to TestMan, or export test results to existing excel/CSV files.
1. Import template
1.1. Import test case
1.1.1. How to create new Import Testcase Template?
When users want to import test cases from Exel/CSV file, they need to create new Import test case template first.
Step 1: Go to Project Setting -> Select Import & Export template
Step 2: In the Import template tab, click on the + icon to add new import template
Step 3: Create new import test case template
1. Input Template name
2. Select Template type
3. Input Template description
4. Map each field of the testcase to the default column name in the Excel/CSV file
5. Add Default Value in the fields in case of the testcase not having the data of said fields
6. If you want to add more fields of test case, click Add field, select field name and repeat step 4 and 5
7. Click on Save button to save template
1.1.2. How to import test case in the akaManagement system?
Step 1: Go to Test Repository menu and create a new Folder
Step 2: Go to new Folder created at step 1, click on the Import button
Step 3: Click on the Next button on the Import quick tips
Step 4: Select template and data to import
1. Select import template
2. Select import file
3. Select sheet name
4. Input start row number
5. Input row number
6. Click on Preview button
Step 5: Show preview import test case
Step 6: Import data
If no have any issue, the Confirm import popup should be shown. Click to the OK button, list of test cases will be imported to the Folder at step 2

If have any issue, the warning message should be shown at no matched field. Please check the imported file and the import template then update file and re-import test case again.

Step 7: See list imported test case
1.2. Import test result
1.2.1. How to create new import test result template?
When user want to import test result from Exel/CSV file, user need to create new Import test result template first.
Step 1: Go to Project Setting -> Select Import & Export template
Step 2: In the Import template tab, click on the + icon to add new import template
Step 3: Create new import test result template
(1) Input template name
(2) Select template type is Test execution - Test result
(3) Input template description
(4) Mapping each fields of Test result with relative default column name in the Excel/CSV file
Pay attention to mapping field:
- Test Case : Map to column defining Test case Name in Excel file
- Latest Result: Map to column defining Status of Test case in Excel file
(5) If you want to add more field of test result, click to Add field and select field name (6) Click on Save button to save template
Step 4: See new imported test result template in the list
1.2.2. How to import test result in the akaManagement system?
Step 1: Go to Test Planning menu
Step 2: Open any Test suite on the Test Planning that you want to import test result then click on the Import button
Step 3: Click on the Next button on the Import quick tips
Step 4: Select template and data to import
(1) Select import template
(2) Select import file
(3) Select sheet name
(4) Input start row number
(5) Input row number
(6) Click on Preview button
Step 5: Show preview data
Step 6: Import data
If have any issue, the warning message should be shown at no matched field. Please check the imported file and the import template, update file, then import test case again
Step 7: See list imported test result
2. Export template
2.1. How to create new export test result template?
When user want to export test result to an existing Exel/CSV file, user need to create new Export test result template first.
Step 1: Go to Project Setting -> Select Import & Export template
Step 2: Click on the Export template tab, click on the + icon to add new export template
Step 3: Create new export test result template
(1) Input template name
(2) Ticket Type is autofilled = Test ticket (only apply for export Test report from Test Planning)
(3) Input template description
(4) Mapping each fields of Test result with relative default column name in the export Excel/CSV file
(5) If you want to add more field of test case, click to Add field and select field name
(6) Click on Save button to save template
Step 4 See new export template in the list
2.2. How to export test result in the akaManagement system?
Step 1: Go to Test Planning menu, open any Test Executions which you want to export test results
Step 2: Go to new Test Execution at step 1 -> click on the Export buton -> select Export by Template option
Step 3: Click on the Next button on the Export quick tips
Step 4: Select template and data to export
(1) Select export test result template
(2) Select export file
(3) Select sheet name to export
(4) Input start row number to export
(5) Click on Export button
Step 5: See export data
Go to the download folder to see the export data.