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akaAT can send notifications to users when significant events occur. For example, you can get notified when a work ticket is created or completed, or when any of the work ticket's field is updated.

akaAT system are pre-set with notifications called Default Notifications. These notifications are associated with all new projects by default. However, you can modify them from the project via the Project Setting/Notifications page, as described below.

How akaAT notifications work?

Notifications for events that occur close together are grouped and sent in a summary email, just to avoid too many sent to many recipients with different channels. We're calling these notifications batched notifications, as opposed to separate notifications.

Support content parameters

Parameter Description
{{}} ID of job
{{}} Name of job
{{job.description}} Description of job
{{job.type}} Type of job (Schedule or CICD)
{{job.scheduleType}} Schedule type (if type of job is schedule): one time, daily and weekly
{{job.projectId}} ID of current project
{{job.projectKey}} Key of current project
{{job.tenantKey}} Key of current tenant (organization)
{{job.createdAt}} Created time of job
{{job.updatedAt}} The last modified time of job
{{job.nextTime}} The next time that job is executed according to the schedule
{{job.status}} Status of job
{{}} ID of member who created the job
{{}} Name of member who created the job
{{job.}} ID of the member who last modified the job
{{job.}} Name of the member who last modified the job
{{}} ID of job runner
{{}} Name of job runner
{{job.jobRunner.status}} Status of job runner
{{job.jobRunner.duration}} Execution time of a job runner
{{job.jobRunner.createdAt}} Created time of job runner
{{job.jobRunner.updatedAt}} The last modified time of job runner
{{job.jobRunner.startTime}} The time when job runner was started to be executed
{{job.jobRunner.endTime}} The time when the job runner was finished executing
{{job.jobRunner.url}} URL of job runner
{{}} ID agent of job runner
{{}} Name agent of job runner
{{job.jobRunner.agent.version}} Version agent of job runner
{{job.jobRunner.agent.poolID}} ID agent pool of job runner
{{job.jobRunner.agent.poolName}} Name agent pool of job runner
{{}} Total number of test cases of the job runner
{{job.jobRunner.resultSumary.totalPass}} Total number of passed test cases of the job runner
{{job.jobRunner.resultSumary.totalFail}} Total number of failed test cases of the job runner
{{}} ID of test result
{{}} ID of test case
{{}} Name of test case
{{}} ID of task
{{job.jobRunner.testResult.task.type}} Type of task (Engine, Azure)
{{job.jobRunner.testResult.task.testPath}} Test case path of task
{{job.jobRunner.testResult.task.projectPath}} Project path of task
{{}} ID of test configuration
{{}} Name of test configuration
{{job.jobRunner.testResult.testConfig.value.Operation System}} Operation System of test result (which was configured in test configuration)
{{job.jobRunner.testResult.testConfig.value. Browser}} Browser of test result (which was configured in test configuration)
{{job.jobRunner.testResult.status}} Status of test result
{{job.jobRunner.testResult.duration}} Duration of test case
{{job.jobRunner.testResult.createdAt}} Created time of test result
{{job.jobRunner.testResult.updatedAt}} The last modified time of test result
{{job.jobRunner.testResult.evidence}} Evidence of test result
{{job.jobRunner.testResult.url}} URL of test result


The following types of recipients can receive notifications.

Recipient Types Description
Custom email address Any email address that user wish to alert.
People fields All people fields of current work item/test item
1. Test Engine: Job creator, Last job updater.
2. The others: Creator/Reporter, Last updater, Assignee
Project Role The members of a particular project role for this project.
Project members/teams Teams and Members in your akaAT project.

1. Enabling/Disabling an event

All events are enabled by default

  1. Go to Project setting > Notifications
  2. Locate the Event that you want to Enable/Disable, and click on the switch button.

Event list

2. Add new notification channel

An Event can have one or more notifications of different channels

Each channel has only one notification.

  1. Go to Project setting > Notifications

  2. Select an Event

  3. On the Active notification sidebar, clicking on image-20220928100438600 button.

  4. Select the notification channel

    At this point, a new notification channel has been added with default information and you can edit them.

3. Customizing notification content

  1. Go to Project setting > Notifications
  2. Select an Event
  3. On the Active notification sidebar, click on a channel that that you want to customize content
  4. Fill the details and click on the Save button.


Configure Notification (Mail) - Default


Configure Notification (Webhook)


Configure Notification (Slack)


- You must have "Slack" account

- You must have a workspace and a channel on Slack

Implementation steps

Step 1: Click How to get Bot User OAuth Token hyperlink

Step 2: Click Create a new Slack app button

Create new Slack app

Step 3: Click sign in hyperlink and signin Slack (If you already login, skip to Step 4)

Sign in to your Slack account

Step 4: Click Create New App button

Create New App button

Step 5: Choose From scatch

Scopes of app

Input App Name and Pick a workspace then click Create App button

Name app & choose workspace

Step 6: Click OAuth & Permissions

After create app success

Scroll to Scopes and click Add an OAuth Scope

Add an OAuth Scope

Typing "chat" into input and click chat:write

Add chat bot

Add chat bot success

Step 7: Scroll up to top page and click Install App

Install app

Click Install to Workspace

Install to Workspace

Click Allow button

Permission to access

Copy the Bot User OAuth Token

Bot User OAuth Token

Step 8: Typing your app into the chat box of your channel then press Enter

Add chat bot to the channel

Click Add to Channel button

After add chat bot

Then copy the channel ID

Channel ID

Step 9: Paste the Bot User OAuth Token and the channel ID then click Save button

Config on Notifications

3. Remove a notification channel

  1. Go to Project setting > Notifications
  2. Select an Event
  3. On the Active notification sidebar, locate the channel that you want to remove then click on Delete icon button.