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Web Testing

AkaAT Studio tool support WebDriverUtilities class to get WebDriver, getAlert, captureScreenShort, …

4.2.1. Utilities for Web Testing

For Example:

1.   RemoteWebDriver webDriver = WebDriverUtilities.getDriver(); // throw Exception and Failed Step if can NOT get WebDriver
2.   RemoteWebDriver webDriver = WebDriverUtilities.getDriverQuietly(); // return null if can NOT get WebDriver

4.2.2. WebKeyword in a CustomKeyword AlertKeyword

AkaAT Studio tool support AlertKeyword class to handle an alert.

1.    public void demo(){
2.           AlertKeyword alertKeyword = new AlertKeyword();
3.           alertKeyword.acceptAlert(); //To click on the ‘OK’ button of the alert
4.           alertKeyword.dismissAlert(); // // To click on the ‘Cancel’ button of the alert.
5.           alertKeyword.getAlertText(); // To get the alert message.
6.           alertKeyword.setTextOnAlert(text); // To send some data to alert box.
7.       } BrowserKeyword

1.   public void demo(){
2.           BrowserKeyword browserKeyword = new BrowserKeyword();
3.           browserKeyword.openBrowser(url); // to open browser with url
4.           browserKeyword.back(); // to back to previous screen
5.           browserKeyword.forward(); // to go to the next screen
6.           browserKeyword.refresh(); // to refresh page
7.           browserKeyword.quitBrowser(); // to quit browser
8.       } BrowserWindowKeyword

AkaAT Studio tool support BrowserWindowKeyword class to handle action related window and tab. FormActionKeyword

AkaAT Studio tool support multiple methods in FormActionKeyword class to interact with a form.