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Windows Testing

4.4.1. Utilities for Windows Testing

AkaAT Studio tool support WindowsDriverUtilities class to get WebDriver getDriver, findWindowIdByTitle, captureScreenshot, …

4.4.2. How to use WindowKeyword in a CustomKeyword ApplicationKeywords

AkaAT Studio tool support ApplicationKeywords class to handle app windows actions.

1.    public void demo(){
2.           ApplicationKeywords applicationKeywords = new ApplicationKeywords();
3.           applicationKeywords.startWindowsApplicationAutomation(); //to start windows app
4.           applicationKeywords.stopWindowsApplicationAutomation(); // to stop windows app
5.    } ApplicationWindowKeywords

AkaAT Studio tool support multiple methods in ApplicationWindowKeywords class to interact with windows app.

1.   ApplicationWindowKeywords applicationWindowKeywords = new ApplicationWindowKeywords();
2.          applicationWindowKeywords.closeByWindowId(windowsId); // to close windows by windowsId
3.          applicationWindowKeywords.closeCurrentWindow(); // to close the current windows
4.          applicationWindowKeywords.closeWindowByTitle(windowsTitle); // to close windows by title
5.          applicationWindowKeywords.getCurrentWindowId(); // to get the current windows ID
6.          applicationWindowKeywords.getCurrentWindowTitle(); // to get the current windows title
7.          applicationWindowKeywords.maximizeWindow(); // to set maximize windows
8.          applicationWindowKeywords.switchByWindowId(windowsId); // to switch windows by windows ID
9.          applicationWindowKeywords.switchToWindowByTitle(windowsTitle); // to switch windows by windows title