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Mobile Testing

4.3.1. Utilities for Mobile Testing MobileDriverUtilities class to get AppiumDriver, captureScreenShort,…

1.   driver = MobileDriverUtilities.getDriver(); // throw Exception and failed step if can get AppiumDriver
2.   AppiumDriver driver = MobileDriverUtilities.getDriverQuietly(); // return null if can get AppiumDriver MobileGestureUtilities class to simulate touch action

1.   public void demo(UIObject target, int timeout){
2.     AppiumDriver driver = MobileDriverUtilities.getDriver();
3.     WebElement element = target.convertToWebElementWithTimeout(driver, timeout);
4.     int xCenter = element.getLocation().getX() + element.getSize().getWidth() / 2;
5.     int yCenter = element.getLocation().getY() + element.getSize().getHeight() / 2;
6.     driver.perform(Arrays.asList(MobileGestureUtilities.createTapAction(xCenter, yCenter)));
7.    }

4.3.2. MobileKeyword in a CustomKeyword AppInteractKeyword

AkaAT Studio tool support methods to open app, get app status, close app.

1.   public void demo(String appId){
2.          AppInteractKeyword appInteractKeyword = new AppInteractKeyword();
3.          appInteractKeyword.activeApp(appId); // to open app
4.          appInteractKeyword.getAppState(appId); // to get app status
5.          appInteractKeyword.terminateApp(appId); // to close app
6.       } DeviceActionKeyword

AkaAT Studio tool support multiple methods in DeviceActionKeyword class to interact with mobile device.